Lazy Sunday #2


  Finally, all my Winter-weather summoning dances have paid off. The weather has finally and seriously dropped here in Australia! It was NINE DEGREES overnight (that’s 48F), which is fully winter for us. Like legit cold. And I’m as happy…

Magic Strawberry Rhubarb Pie // The Sugar Hit

Magic Strawberry Rhubarb Pie


This Magic Strawberry Rhubarb Pie is crisp, bubbling, sweet, tart, and mysterious. Strawberries and rhubarb combine; one bubblegum-sweet and the other tooth-achingly sharp, along with a pinch and a splosh and a dusting of a few other secret ingredients, to…

Lazy Sunday // The Sugar Hit

Lazy Sunday #1


  Inspired by Joy’s Sunday Things (get on it) and Laura’s Sunday Thymes (go check em out) and Jess’s Currently Crushing On (she knows her stuff) and my own ‘Sunday Supplements’ (the dorkily named Sunday round-ups that I used to…