Lemon Snowball Cupcakes


FOR THE RECORD…I made these the day before that episode of Junior Masterchef aired. Yes I am aware that few of you reading will have any idea what it is that I am referring to, so let me wind back…

Cinnamon Buns


I may have mentioned it before, but am too lazy to go back and check for real, that I have an abiding penchant for all things American. And that’s United States of American, to be precise. So for me, although…

Cocoa Brownies


I have mucho love for the brownie. According to Classic Home Desserts by Richard Sax, a fantastic book which manages to be informative and comforting at the same time, the brownie came into popular being aroung the beginning of the…

Peanut Butter Perfection


  I made these little babies in response to the unforseen backlash of the Tim Cake incident which occurred a few weeks ago, but was only posted on Sunday. Here in Oz we would probably call them a slice, but…

Sarah | The Sugar Hit

Post the First


Hello Internet! Welcome to my first ever online project The Sugar Hit! Why not tell a friend? Just kidding, wait until there is something good on here first, and that is indeed the plan. I wanted to start this blog…