
21st Century ANZAC Biscuits


  Helplessness is not a feeling I associate with cooking very much. One of the things I love most about kitchen work is how eminently solvable most problems are. Short of slicing a finger, most kitchen conundrums are things that…

Valentine's Day // The Sugar Hit

Nothing says love like Fried Chicken


  It’s trite, it’s schmalzy, it’s a bore, it’s Valentine’s Day. There is no day of the year that inspires more vitriol, nor more sweaty exchanging of stuffed toys between adults, than Valentine’s Day. If you’re not having to lean…

PB&J Wagon Wheels! // The Sugar Hit

The PB&J Wagon Wheel


  You know how it’s hip at the moment to take a trashy food item that you loved as a child and transform it into a trendy, modern dessert? Well, this is kind of that, but not really.   Because the thing…