Crumpet Pancakes!
byIf you like crumpets. And you like pancakes…then I think you see where I am going with this. Because this recipe is like a glorious breakfast frankenstein. Only edible, and way less creepy. These are actually based on…
If you like crumpets. And you like pancakes…then I think you see where I am going with this. Because this recipe is like a glorious breakfast frankenstein. Only edible, and way less creepy. These are actually based on…
Oh my word, my lawd, my sweet puffy pancake. This one is special you guys. My pancake making life has changed forever. My brunch giving life has changed forever. And by changed forever I mean it has begun,…
I have been sitting here with my hands poised in a weird action-pose over the keyboard for about 5 minutes now, trying to think of how I can convey to you the fabulousness of these pancakes. I am in…
OK, so it’s not perfect. This little baby, made with a sweet, crispy, yeasty, buttery dough, she’s not in her prom dress today. Or maybe she is, but it’s one of those ‘uhoh, my dress got ripped, and my hair…
Is it just me or is there something totally rock and roll about this recipe? Buckwheat crepes sounds to me exactly like what the Red Hot Chilli Peppers eat for breakfast. They are the kind of health-focused, but super fancy…
Good news everybody! We’re moving house! Or more specifically, I’m moving house. Yup, I finally get to bug out of this tiny two-bedroom townhouse and into a proper, grown-up’s residence. An ACTUAL HOUSE, with an ACTUAL STREET NUMBER, all of…
BRUNCH! Now I know that the internet is absolutely not shy about it’s love for all foods breakfast. I cannot be the only one who has noticed that people go bonkers for anything that has a poached/fried egg on top…
OK, so it seems like I’m on a sweet breakfasts jag at the moment. I really can’t help myself. Rhubarb is awesome here at the moment, and with Rhubarb Compote, one must either go the holy way of the yoghurt,…
This french toast is my message to you to be a little more gentle with yourself. There’s nothing quite like a hot breakfast, and this gingerbread french toast with roasted apricots is a wonderful example of the type. The spicing…
Let’s talk about perfection. A lot of people would say it’s completely unattainable. And with the sound of the most godawful dub step techno, not so quietly pumping it’s way under my front door, it would be easy for me…