No Bake Milo Ice Cream Pie -- THE SUGAR HIT!


  Oh hey, in case you didn’t know I’m running with an Australian theme this week. It’s Australia Day next Tuesday (also my sister’s birthday, hi Jules!) and I thought I would share a few of the recipes that taste…

Chorizo & Burnt Tomato Pizza // The Sugar Hit

Chorizo and Burnt Tomato Pizza

  I used to work very closely with just one other person, a dude. He was super friendly and we got on really well, despite having exactly nothing in common with one another. We shared absolutely no referential points in…

Coconut Rice Porridge with Passionfruit // The Sugar Hit

Coconut Rice Porridge with Passionfruit

  I’m writing to you from the middle of summer in subtropical Queensland. So, if you’re somewhere cold right now, sorry if this Coconut Rice Porridge with Passionfruit seems somewhat jarring. But I’m doing a new thing this year! Usually…

Fruit Salad That Doesn't Suck // The Sugar Hit

Fruit Salad That Doesn’t Suck

  One of the things that has stuck with me most from ‘Yes Please’ by Amy Poehler is the idea that when people are trying to choose a career, instead of asking ‘What do you want to do?’, we should ask ‘What…

Merry Christmas Baby!

  It’s Christmas! Go eat a whole Turkey, or all the peppermint chocolates out of the communal box! It’s the one day of the year where no rules apply! I hope you had an absolutely killer year.   Thank you…