Merry Christmas Baby!



It’s Christmas! Go eat a whole Turkey, or all the peppermint chocolates out of the communal box! It’s the one day of the year where no rules apply! I hope you had an absolutely killer year.


Thank you so very much for visiting The Sugar Hit in 2015. This is my last post for the year, but I’ll be back bright and early in January to take this whole place to the next level. I hope you come with me! I want to share more kickass things, I want to inspire you to bake and cook more, and I want to talk about how we eat on the day-to-day more often!


Until then, eat whatever you want to, drink if that’s your bag, and dance like there are a set of judges watching you who’s criteria include style, creativity, hilariousness and enthusiasm.


Happy Holidays! I’ll see you so soon!


xx Sarah.

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