My Faves

The Crumble Formula // The Sugar Hit

The Crumble Formula


  Crumble: in my opinion the very best thing that can be done to a glut of fruit. Sure, jam is good. Obviously pie is amazing. But both require a level of commitment that I so often do not have,…

Christmas Book Buying Guide 2015 // The Sugar Hit!

Christmas Cookbook Buying Guide!


1. The Nordic Cookbook Is it a secret that I’m obsessed with Nordic Food? I definitely haven’t tried to hide it. I have no Nordic heritage and I come from a place that is almost literally polar opposites with the region,…

Not Secret Blog Business!


  If you’re a blogger, a solo entrepreneur, or someone who’s just interested in the behind the scenes details of what goes on around here at The Sugar Hit, then you will probably be interested in this video!   Creative…

The Sugar Hit Book!

More Bloggers Bake The Sugar Hit!


  I’m listening to Patsy Cline sing her damn heart out right now, chilling in my brand new office (!!! I got a desk for my birthday) and feeling a warm and beautiful feeling in my heart at how lovely…

The Sugar Hit Book Giveaway!

The Sugar Hit Book Giveaway!


  That’s right! I’ve got FIVE count ’em FIVE signed copies of The Sugar Hit to give away! Why? Because I just turned 25! And because I just cracked 25k followers on Instagram! And because it’s fun!   So all…

The Sugar Hit Book!

Bloggers Bake The Sugar Hit Book!


  Have I mentioned in the past how much I love bloggers? I can’t really speak outside of the world of food blogging – although heyyyy design blogs, I love you – but DAMN food bloggers are cool. Just a…

The Sugar Hit Book!

The Sugar Hit Book!


  Happy Friday! In case I haven’t talked your ear off about it enough already, The Sugar Hit! book, MY BOOK, comes out in stores in Australia this Monday! And it’s officially out in the USA as of the 8th…

The Sugar Hit Cookbook Story: Part 3

The Sugar Hit Cookbook: Part 3


  It’s time for ‘That Time I Wrote a Cookbook” part three! In the first installment, I told you all about everything that led up to the book happening, and in the second installment I told you all about the…