Cafe by the Beach – Cafe Review

One of my greatest failings in life is my complete inability to make a decision regarding the smallest and most insignificant things. In the work arena, it’s not a problem. I’m a decision making machine; seeking out facts and examining worst and best case scenarios, sticking to my guns. But when it comes to, say, English muffin vs. Bowl of cereal at 6:00am on a weekday, I am at a complete loss. Having said that, I seem to have the same thing almost every day (bowl of cereal), which only highlights the cruel irony of the situation. You can imagine how annoying it would be to watch me hum and haw over this every morning, only to pick the same thing.

We all have our quirks. One of mine is tied to a love of freedom of choice! I just want to know my options and then to consider them. This brings me to my point; that sometimes a change is as good as a holiday. Sometimes choosing the English muffin will make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed, like the world has suddenly opened up with new possibilities. I used to get the same feeling on free-dress days when I was in primary school, a sense of the out of the ordinary, like a bizarro universe. And sometimes, when you can’t afford it, or you don’t have time, it’s nice to take a day at the beach. It’s one of the perks of living in Queensland; you trade off the sometimes blistering heat and perishing humidity for a tantalisingly close proximity to the coastline.

The change between the concrete jungle or suburban sprawl and the Queensland coast is a dramatic one. My favourite place to experience this is at Moffat Beach. It’s a small stretch of coast with a small central area, and not too much development or tourist scenes. There is a also a delightful lack of hipsters, which never hurts. If you’re headed up the coast, it’s tradition to go early, though I don’t know why. My mum and dad always left really early, so I do what I’m told. Plus you get to enjoy breakfast at the beach. It’s ok to pick something slightly calorific, because you’re at the beach! You’ll be swimming (reading), walking around (sun baking), and maybe even surfing (having a nap), so you need the energy.

May I recommend the Café by the Beach, if you’re headed to Moffat? Ironically, it’s the café that is furthest from the beach, in the only line of shops in the area, but the view is still there, and you can’t go past their pancakes. I have sampled the plain, the apple and cinnamon and the blueberry (not in one sitting), and they were each as delicious as the last. I always toy with the idea of ordering the buttered nut pancakes, but eating ice cream for breakfast seems to raise bigger questions about life than I care to address, so I draw the line. The wait staff are efficient and friendly, and while other restaurants and establishments have come and gone in the area, I remember this one from way back.

My boyfriend tried a breakfast melt, continuing his research in the field of finding a way to eat pizza for breakfast, and said he loved it, even if the bacon wasn’t quite crispy. The coffee is great, and you can walk it off afterwards while perving at the amazing real estate and soaking up the beautiful view. No recipe today. Just a recommendation to try a change. Freshen things up a little. Go with the English muffin. You won’t regret it.

For the beautiful atmosphere, fantastic breakfast menu, good coffee, and friendly staff:
Cafe by the Beach: 4/5

Cafe By the Beach on Urbanspoon

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