
In defense of Milk Chocolate // The Sugar Hit

In defence of Milk Chocolate


  Talk about unfairly discriminated against foods. No member of the culinary family, particularly in the baking world, cops as much excoriation as Milk Chocolate. Humble Milk Chocolate! The beloved friend to all of us, whilst we were under 12….

500th Post! // The Sugar Hit

500th Post!


  Can I tell you a secret real quick? The title of the post might have given it away a tiny lil’ bit, but this right here is my 500th post on The Sugar Hit! Can you believe that? Isn’t…

The Sugar Hit Book!

The Sugar Hit Book!


  Happy Friday! In case I haven’t talked your ear off about it enough already, The Sugar Hit! book, MY BOOK, comes out in stores in Australia this Monday! And it’s officially out in the USA as of the 8th…