
Vegan Coconut Pancakes! // The Sugar Hit

Vegan Coconut Pancakes


  The internet makes it essential that we slap labels on things, doesn’t it? Take these pancakes – I don’t make them because they’re vegan. I make them because they’re these light, crispy-edged, vaguely tropical pancakes that make me happy….

Quark Pancakes with Thyme Peaches // The Sugar Hit

Quark Pancakes with Thyme Peaches


  Ricotta cheese has been hogging the breakfast pancake spotlight for too long. It’s time to let another mass of curds have a chance. Enter, Quark. It’s the Ricotta of the German speaking countries. A beautiful, soft, mild cheese, most…

Hazelnut and Oat Pancakes // The Sugar Hit

Hazelnut & Oat Pancakes


  OH MAN. What a Friday I’m having. It’s absolutely pouring rain. I had a meeting to go to this morning (super exciting project coming soon!) but on the way there, a gentleman ran into my car! So that was…