
Turkish Lamb Pizza | The Sugar Hit

Turkish Lamb Pizza


  Do you ever watch a TV show or see a movie or read a book, and something they eat just sounds so delicious that you have to have it?   You may not be surprised to hear that this happens…

Gringo Carbonara with Zucchini and Peas | The Sugar Hit

Gringo Carbonara


  It’s SUMMAHTIME where I am ya’ll. And it is really, really, really hot. Do people know how hot it is in Australia? Where I live we’re just outside of the Tropic of Capricorn. It’s boiling.   I’m a cold…

Pierogies with Herb Butter | The Sugar Hit

Home Made Pierogies


  If there’s one thing I deeply love, it’s Eastern European food.   I love the cold, you see, and with the cold comes the rib-sticking, delicious, buttery delights of the kitchen. Hungarian goulash. Vareniki. Pirozhkis. Borscht. Khachapuri. Cabbage rolls….

The BZT | The Sugar Hit



  Please meet my greatest sandwich invention to date. The BZT.   The BZT is a sandwich of great beauty and deliciousness. It is salty, zingy, rich, fresh and awesome, all in equal measures. It’s also pretty fancy, if I…

The Leftover Hungover Sandwich | The Sugar Hit

The Leftover Hungover Sandwich


  Happy New Year everybody!   It’s New Year’s Day where I’m sitting right now, and the sun is shining, and I suddenly feel like I’m talking like a radio presenter? I’ll stop that now. Nevertheless, it is the first…

Five Spice Pomegranate Roast Duck | The Sugar Hit

Five Spice Pomegranate Roast Duck


  Celebrate good times, come on!   Is this roast duck a celebratory sight or what? There are three things I love about this recipe; one is that it’s so impressive, two is that it’s COMPLETELY delicious, and three is…

Horseradish Pommes Anna | The Sugar Hit

Horseradish Pommes Anna


  Let’s get FANCY!!!!   *Jazz hands*   Come to think of it, this may be the potato side dish equivalent of jazz hands. Yep, it is.     What I love about this dish is how ridiculously simple it…

Sage & Onion Parker House Rolls | The Sugar HIt

Sage & Onion Parker House Rolls


  Last minute Thanksgiving recipes comin’ at ya!   Yep. I decided (at the last minute) to celebrate Thanksgiving. Am I in the US? Nope. Am I from the US? Nope. Am I Canadian? Nope. Is there any cultural reason…

Triple Cheese and Onion Strata | The Sugar Hit

Triple Cheese & Onion Strata


  It’s the start of November, everybody!   And you should know that I am an absolute Holiday Junkie, so get ready for a non-stop Holiday recipe onslaught for the next 8 weeks. I’m sorry if you are one of…

Okonomiyaki |



  Konichiwa! And welcome to the final recipe for Japan Week.   There is still Sunday’s post about Japan, but this is my last recipe and MAN, did I save a good one for last! May I introduce you to…