Not Secret Blog Business!
byIf you’re a blogger, a solo entrepreneur, or someone who’s just interested in the behind the scenes details of what goes on around here at The Sugar Hit, then you will probably be interested in this video! Creative…
If you’re a blogger, a solo entrepreneur, or someone who’s just interested in the behind the scenes details of what goes on around here at The Sugar Hit, then you will probably be interested in this video! Creative…
It’s time for ‘That Time I Wrote a Cookbook” part three! In the first installment, I told you all about everything that led up to the book happening, and in the second installment I told you all about the…
OK, so! Here we are, part two of ‘that time I wrote a cookbook’. There are a lot of other great pieces about cookbook writing around at the moment – in particular this series from Heidi of 101 Cookbooks,…
OH HEYYY! You probably already know that THE SUGAR HIT cookbook is coming out this year in September. In fact, you can pre-order it! (Amazon – Book Depository – Booktopia – Dymocks – Barnes and Noble) And I will…
What a way to make a living! Boy, Dolly Parton was right. And I know, because I used to work 9 to 5. But lucky for me, that’s not my life anymore. It’s more like working literally every hour…
Let’s talk about fails, baby. Kitchen fails. I got ’em. Maybe you got ’em? I think I got a lot of ’em. This whole ‘recipe development’ bidness ain’t always a bed of roses. Unsurprisingly, it is a lot of…
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, then you might know that I’m working hard on stepping up my food photo game in 2015! And when I asked what everyone else was working on this year, the word…
As I mentioned yesterday, Miss Izy Hossack has just released her first book Top With Cinnamon. This is a little rapid-fire question sesh we had about it a few weeks ago! Enjoy! Firstly, the most annoying question ever,…
Today my guest for Blog Talk/Real Talk is Cindy Ensley, the genius behind one of my most favouritest blogs; Hungry Girl Por Vida. Cindy’s posts always have that X-factor quality. Whether it’s a spin on a recipe…
Meet the newest feature on The Sugar Hit! Blog Talk/Real Talk is all about the Bloggers, Writers, Cooks and Otherwise Awesome FolksĀ who inspire me, and make this community so exciting. I’m getting in touch with the people who…