What makes a good recipe? What makes a recipe into something that jumps out at you and begs to be made and to be eaten? I used to think that it was just a case of good food styling and photography, but that flies in the face of all the food writing that I just cannot resist. Sometimes all it takes is a sentence about the quiet scent of a cinnamon bun wafting through the house, and I am knocking over tables in my haste to get into the kitchen, so I am back at the question of; what makes a recipe enticing?
I can only speak for myself, because there are some foods that I am really not that into (shellfish, offal) and some foods which you only have to mention (chocolate, truffles, …chocolate truffles) and I’m on board. If it’s a pimped out grilled cheese sandwich, I’m in. If it’s a vegetable stack, I’m making a joke about how the early nineties wants its vegetarian menu back. But there are a few things which will always catch my eye (stomach?) and make me much more likely to get in the kitchen.
Why am I bringing this up? Because this recipe ticked all of my boxes, even though on paper, it really shouldn’t appeal to me. First of all, and this may come as a surprise, but ease of execution. I know better than most the fear of the dish mountain, because readers (prepare yourselves) I do not have a dishwasher. [GAAASP] I know. I hear your audible gasp. But it is true that every dish created here at The Sugar Hit is washed up with these two hands, or the hands of my long-suffering boyfriend. So yeah, easiness is a big drawcard. And yes, I hear how that sounds *WINK*.
Another big drawcard for me is an unusual or innovative twist. I am ALL for the classics, I absolutely love them, but there are innumerable recipes for the perfect New York Cheesecake, and frankly I wouldn’t trust anyone but Deb from Smitten Kitchen for that. What I love about this one, is that I have actually never seen a Nutella Cheesecake recipe before, and yet I wonder, why the hell not? In hindsight it seems so obvious. And it tastes like an old friend. If it’s something I’ve never seen before, and yet seems totally natural, it’s almost guaranteed that I’ll make it. That’s the kind of recipe I try to create.
The final thing that drew me in, and always draws me in, is crow-pleasing factor. Ask anyone who cooks, and I’m sure that most of them would say that they love to see people enjoying the food they make. That’s a huge drawcard for me! I’m not saying I don’t love to sit at home eating the funkiest blue cheeses and other things that send people running for the hills, but it doesn’t give me the same satisfaction as a total crowd pleaser. So when I read this recipe for Nutella Cheesecake, needless to say, I didn’t let the grass grow under my feet. It got me straight to the kitchen!
So tell me, what makes a recipe irresistible to you? Is there an ingredient you can’t resist? Is it nostalgia? Or is it just that je ne sais quoi? I’m fascinated to know!
Nutella Cheesecake – A Recipe
This one is (surprise surprise!) a Nigella Recipe, and I certainly don’t presume to do a better job than her! So the link to the original recipe is here: Nigella’s Nutella Cheesecake. I did a few things differently, which I will outline below:
- I left out the hazelnuts, to no ill affects at all
- I substituted 125g (a quarter) of the cream cheese with sour cream, which gave the filling a beautiful sharp creaminess
- I used a 22cm loose based tart tin, and pressed the biscuits up the side to form a crust
- I dusted the top with cocoa, which added a lovely bitterness and helped to cut the sweetness of the cheesecake
- I added a slosh of frangelico, because I happened to have some – and it was awesome.
It is too early for me to see these sort of posts lovey haha! Looks RIDICULOUSLY amazing… And, now I am hungry.x
You are too kind! I realised that I was tweeting about a cheesecake before 8am this morning, and that was a bit odd…
Glad I could make you hungry. :)
Nutella and cheesecake together? Well I would knock over chairs to get to this one! :P
hahahahaha – race ya!
Holy moly, this looks incredible. Nuttella plus cheesecake…how could it not tick all boxes?!
Exactly! Especially considering the boxes are ‘Nutella’ and ‘cheesecake’. Check and check!
My two favorite things! Nutella and cheesecake.. Looks so scrumptious!
Thanks Maria!
This cheesecake looks AMAZING!!!
Thanks, Ashley!
Yum. Nutella and cheesecake! What a beautiful pair.
You are too kind Amy! :)
I love Nutella. When I was on school exchange in Germany we ate a ton of the stuff.
We went to Thailand for a 3 week holiday before we moved to NZ and we stayed at this amazing hotel. They were pure luxury and they had loads of European tourists. Every morning, the Europeans would file into the breakfast room with a whole jar of Nutella each and work their way through around 10 slices of toast with Nutella. It was spread so thick that the toast would buckle under the weight.
The Thai’s also have these amazing pancakes that they make. They’re really thin and they cook them on a camping stove type thing. You can have Nutella and banana on those. BEST THING EVER.
I think I’d put some whipped cream on this cheesecake of yours because…well nuts and chocolate and cream go together. Also, I can drink cream so I’d put it with everything!
Sam xxx
Sam, you are a woman after my own heart! Those Thai pancakes sound amazing! And yes, of course, whipped cream, is there anything not improved by whipped cream?
Oh my! This looks SO GOOD! This is the next dessert on my to-eat list. And you know what? I don’t have a dishwasher either and I HATE it. I feel like every time I cook something, even something quick and simple, I end up with a mountain of dishes to wash. Hopefully we have a rule in this house: the one who cooks dinner/lunch doesn’t wash the dishes. So I’m fine, most of the time ;)
Thanks Marie! And I LOVE THAT RULE! Stealing it, fo sho.
This looks amazing, and that’s coming from someone who’s decidedly lukewarm on cheesecakes in general. I guess Nutella really is the great equalizer.
I’m much like you–I like a little twist to my food. Creativity is a must! I’m also a really visual person, so I’m much more likely to want to make something with a lot of eye appeal, that can bring some fun colors/textures/something to the table. [Bread pudding being the exception, because: omgdelicious.]
Bread pudding? Yeah you’re talking my language! We should get together and discuss twists/visual appeal/texture/crazy combos while we eat big bowls of bread pudding.
beautiful pictures, i have been meaning to try nigellas nutella cheesecake for a while now – i lvoe the way you styled it out and made it your own!
Thanks Em, definitely worth a try! Tasty as.
Oh my goodness – this sounds (and looks!) like the best thing ever! I have people over once a month for grilling out / potlucks and I think I might have to make this the next time. This will BLOW their minds!
Thanks Shelly – it is DEFINITELY a crowd-pleaser! People go bonkers for this thang! I love that you do that once a month, too. I wish I was that organised/social.